If you are unable to go to Silverwolf? SCA stuff is happening in Montengarde!

Summer Skirmish is happening at the Military Museums on Saturday and Sunday.
9am – 6:30 pm.
4520 Crowchild Trail SW, Calgary, AB. T2T 5J4

We need all kinds of Volunteers willing to do demos for the visitors to the museum. We are not on the formal schedule so we will be doing activities as we can

We need rapiers fighters, heavies, artisans, and archers, as well as knowledgeable people! If you can volunteer, Lorette du Chateneuf (Brandi Hine) will be on site 8-5:00 on Saturday and all day Sunday. Please contact her if you have any questions or concerns at deputy-chatelaine@montengarde.org  As many people as we can get on each shift is good, there is no maximum

If you are bringing things for display they can be kept on site so you don’t need to haul them back and forth.

So come on out and enjoy a fun weekend, we will be doing displays with many other groups , so lots to be learned.


YIS Skald the Peacemaker

