Warmest Greetings Montengarde!

Countess Karina and Lady Lorette cordially invite you all to the August Tavern where we will be pleased to celebrate with “New Beginnings” for their Excellences His Lordship Peter von Setzingen and Her Ladyship Brangwayn Hesson The Everpresent and their upcoming little schnitzel to be!!!

That’s right Montengarde, we are inviting you to a Baronial Baby Shower! ALL are welcome to attend, the more the merrier. Tavern will run as per usual, the bar will be set up and there will be food, cooked and created by the lovely and talented Lady Asa Nordoster, to enjoy along with dancing, games and bardic activities. There will also be celebrations and games all surrounding that little bun in the oven and the baker and chef who put it there!

We hope you can all make it out to help us celebrate!

Yours in Service, Laughter and Song,

Countess Karina de Elephantide, Wild Rose of Montengarde

Lady Lorette de Chasteauneuf, Emerald Rose of Montengarde