Greetings people of Montengarde!

As your Baron and Baroness, we want to make it clear that we support and recognize diversity and the importance of inclusion in our populace, whether it be diversity in race, gender, neurodiversity, sexual orientation, and physical or intellectual ability.

We are all in this together and each of us has a responsibility to represent and uphold the Core Values of the SCA.

Our Core Values, include the following tenets: “to act in accordance with the chivalric virtues of honour and service”, to “value and respect the worth and dignity of all individuals”, and to “practice inclusiveness and respect pluralism and diversity.”

We encourage our populace to first and foremost listen, when those who are marginalized speak.

We encourage all to go deeper and seek more information if they don’t understand someone’s point of view.

We also encourage all to engage in honest self reflection; we do these things, and encourage our populace to do these things in order to make a positive difference in Montengarde, the Kingdom of Avacal, and the Society.

Most of all we encourage you to be kind, patient and open-minded.

Yours in service

Bjar the Blue & Bothildr Siguraordottir

Baron and Baroness Montengarde