Words from the Wild Rose of Montengarde –

Wild Rose proposed badge

My time as Bardic Champion of Montengarde shall soon come to an end at Samhain (November 12, 2022). As such there will be a Tourney find a successor.

As Samhain was a time that the Celts felt that the veil between the earth and the mystical realm was thinnest out, those competing are asked to perform a piece of entertainment with a supernatural theme either of period or with period elements and/or placement.

The second performance is asked to included themes about the coming of winter, the Festive event Samhain, Montengarde or Avacal.

Neither piece is required to be period but they should be appropriate for families and the style of the SCA.

Those that seek to vie please contact myself at champion-bard@montengarde.org and His Excellency at excellencies@montengarde.org to make your name and intent known by October 30th, 2022.

Lord Eirik of Two Ravens

Coronation / Samhain Links
Google Site
Montengarde Site