Planning on going to May Coronation but not sure what to expect?
Bringing some new folk who want to know more?
Here are some tips to help out (more to come as we get closer)

Quad Site

Located just outside of Marsden Saskatchewan, the Quad site has been hosting SCA events for decades and it keeps getting better developed every year. It got its name from Quad War, when there were four armies that took to the field, one for each barony and one for everyone else under the banner of the Coronet and Principality. Quad War even has it’s own website with directions on how to find the site.

Quad Site is shaped a bit like a bowl. The Gate, the Castle, and Cavalier Town are up on hills while Merchant’s Row and the Main Fighting Area / Cross Roads are in the bowl. The Archery Lanes are even deeper down. A ground crew aggressively seeks out gopher holes to fill in along the main paths and encampments but gophers dig fast.

Quad Site Map 2023

Dressing for the Occasion

  • Personal health and safety come first! The temperature can go from 30+ during the day and near freezing at night and rain is always a possibility. A spare set of modern clothes for emergencies like that is never a bad idea.
  • If you don’t have garb yet, easy things to start with include
    • A cloak (a blanket that may or may not be cut into a semi-circle, rectangular cloaks are fine too – there are many how to videos on the subject), a hood for the cold and a wide brimmed straw hat for sunny days.
    • A simple tunic is a great starting garment but a plain t shirt can work if there’s a cloak over it.
    • Pants – something plain coloured (brown, grey, black) or even plaid pyjama pants can do the job.
    • Shoes – Something comfortable as there will be opportunity for lots of walking. If they don’t look period, choose a pair that is less neon. A pair of all black sneakers is not a bad starting place.
    • Socks – Bring an extra couple of pairs for emergencies and sleeping in.
    • Talk to your local group about Gold Key, the collection of loaner outfits for occasions like this. They might be able to help you out.


  • HOLD! – if you hear this being called out, stop and make sure you are safe, be you a fighter, observer, or just walking by. Something bad might be happening to you, because of you, or just near you.
  • Water and salty food are important as if the weather goes hot, you will need to replenish what you’re losing to sweat.
  • Socks – wet feet suck. Cold feet while sleeping suck. They can double as mittens in a pinch.
  • Sunscreen & Bug Spray – Better to have some handy and reapply regularly through the day
  • An extra blanket, earplugs, and a warm hat to sleep in – trust me, this will make sleep much easier.
  • Meds for allergies – Spring in farm country, you know the deal.
  • A buddy to check in with is always a good idea as when heat and dehydration kick in, we might need that friendly reminder. Buddies can also help with planning for meals.
  • Folding chair – useful for attending court, classes, or even watching the fighting.
  • Showers – There are showers on site so bring a towel and toiletries.
  • Merchants – There are usually several folks selling things ranging from food to clothes to other goods, but don’t depend on buying everything on site. Pack your food plan accordingly. Marsden isn’t far but it’s far enough to be inconvenient and the store hours are limited. Wainwright has more services but it’s also a 45 minute drive.


  • Quad Site has some of the best outhouses (also known as biffies) in Avacal. They get regular care but it never hurts to bring along a roll of extra toilet paper just in case and at night bring a light source in case the one in the outhouse  gone out.
  • Lower the toilet seat when done to reduce the smell.
  • When leaving, remember to turn the door jamb so the door stays close and others know it is unoccupied.
  • If unsure if an outhouse is unoccupied, knocking is always appreciated.
  • The outhouses by the Main Fighting Area / Cross Roads are really good and at least one of them is designed for greater accessibility.


  • If your tent isn’t medieval, that’s okay. You probably will be asked to not set it up in certain places like along the Main Road Merchants Row but there are plenty of other places to camp.
  • There are some excellent period encampments out there and folks are often pretty happy to talk about them.
  • Some folks have spots where they have been camping as a group for years. If unsure about a good camping place, talk to some folks before heading to the site or even to folks at the gate when you sign in.

Click here for part 2.

For more information on the SCA, surviving an event, and common terms, see A Newcomer’s Guide to the SCA