Summer Skirmish 2018

We have been invited to participate in the Military Museum’s Annual Summer Skirmish on June 9th and 10th! This demo happens annually (similar to Ghoul’s Night), but is a focus on combat and war tactics. Unlike other demo’s this one has come with a specific request: archery and combat archery. So I am looking for…

Baroness’ Picnic Schedule

Please come and join Their Excellencies in sharing a relaxing day hanging out with friends (or meet new ones!) and work on those projects that you have been putting off or get an extra practice in for rapier or heavy fighting, or try something new (loaner equipment will be available) at the Crescent Heights Community…

Samhain 2017

Montengarde Samhain 2017 Taste of the Mediterranean The night is coming and The Mighty Baron Peter von Setzingen and The Kind Baroness Brangwayn Hesson The Everpresent invite the populace of Avacal to join us in celebrating our great harvest during Samhain. Experience the might of the Minotaur voice as the new Bardic Champion of Montengarde…

Demo class

Class offering! Our esteemed Avacal Chatelaine,Eira Halladottir (Terri Bauer) is currently on a cross Avacal journey, and will be teaching a class, and holding a discussion on demos, retention, and introducing people to this wonderful game, the SCA. Please come to the Military Museum classroom ( 4520 Crowchild Trail SW, Calgary, AB) at 7:00pm on…

Dragonslayer 2017

  Whispers, carried on the breeze, of great winged beast. ‘It comes again!’ fingers point to the horizon. Come! Gather in Montengarde! The Baron and Baroness call all those, brave and true, who would stand up as their champions. Bring sword! Bring bow! Come ye gentles, and bear witness to the deeds of the future…