Before the most recent surge, there was desperate hope for a local in person event before the end of the year. We looked forward being able to look to the faces of the populace as individuals were recognized for all the deeds great and worthy being done.

The current trend of the infection numbers has not inspired the same hope. We are attempting to book halls for Samhain and 12th Night, but also prepared to cancel that in favor of gathering online (aiming for 2 – 4 weeks advanced notice so folks can best prepare either way).

If indeed we continue online for the next several months, we still want to recognize our populace and what they have done. We have paused up to this point because an online award feels … off.

But there have also been other branches that have managed to make this work.We invite your thoughts on this,
Email His Excellency Bjar (excellencies (at) montengarde (dot) org)

We miss you Montengarde and it is an honor to be witness to all you do.

In Service
HE Bjar Baron of Montengarde