Greetings Montengarde!

The time has come for us to seek out a new Captain of Archers for Montengarde!

This awesome position helps support the archery community at the weekly Friday archery practices. You will be responsible for submitting monthly, and quarterly, reports for the council regarding practices and any local tournaments. You also get the amazing task of helping new comers to our community by introducing them to our oh-so-fun activity, including lending them loaner gear and supporting them as they learn. You can also assist with Royal Rounds, Friday Fun shoots, and just generally having a great time flinging some arrows on a Friday evening with a great group of people!

Any interested applicants are asked to please submit said interest, prior to January 12th, via email to:

archery [at] montengarde [dot] org
Please also cc your email to both
seneschal [at] montengarde [dot] org and
excellencies [at] montengarde [dot] org

YIS (and fewfewing!),
Kassandra Formica
Montengarde Captain of Archers