We hope to keep you updated as the situation improves.

Greetings Montengarde,

Update: use of archery loaner gear during COVID
Last night HE, and OGGS, Morrigan and I did a safety check on the archery loaner gear. I am happy to report that all seems in good shape despite almost two years of no activity!

We have also made a plan for sanitation safety, agreed upon with Baron Blue. When interest is expressed in the use of the equipment, there are antibacterial wipes that are available in the locker to wipe down it down, both before and after use. Prior to use, either the deputy in charge of the gear that night can wipe it down, or the person requesting it’s use. Afterwards, it will be in the responsibility of the individual who was using the gear to wipe it down before it is put away.

Also, once it has been assigned to someone it is only be used by that individual for the night. Unfortunately, due to Mundane reasons, I will unlikely be able to attend many practices. Both HE Morrigan and Lady Muirenn have keys to the locker and are willing to assist with loaning of the equipment.

That being said I am unsure of the attendance for next Friday with Yule being that weekend and I know plenty are planning to be out of town. Please stand by for updates, as I become aware of them.If you have any questions, or concerns, regarding the above please don’t hesitate to reach out.

YIS,Kassandra Formica
Montengarde Captain of Archers
archery [at] montengarde [dot] org