Citizens of Montengarde and our beloved Ayresgarde were called into Their Majesties Court this weekend

Outcomes from the Championship Tourneys

Lady Tova Asketill is the new Avacal Champion of Arts & Science

Lady Tova is the new Kingdom Champion of Arts & Science

Her Ladyship Li Xia is the Iron Quill, runner up

Lord Aran Adamas is the new Avacal Champion of Bardic

Lady Thisbe Elysande La Blanchette steps down as Champion and is welcomed as the newest Elder of Avacal

New Awards

Lord Daire O Lochlainn receives his Award of Arms

Noble Allert Pierson receives a very unique Sable Glove for contributing to the well being of the rapier community

Pictures taken by Viscountess Morrigan Bushra Clubfoot