Let it be known that we gather again for 12th Night (15th January 2022), there shall be a Tournament to find our next Champion of Arts & Science.

In recognition of our close history with the shires of Ayresgarde and Windwyrm, we would open the lists to include them as well. No membership is required to enter, only a willingness to champion the Arts & Sciences as best you can and to find a successor when your time is done.

We ask for those that wish to vie to please contact us by soon (January 8th deadline) and be prepared to present two entries to be judged at 12th Night.
The intent is for 12th Night to be an In Person event, but as we recognize these as unusual times, we are open to Virtual entries as well and are working on how that will work for judging.

HE Bjar (excellencies [at] montengarde [dot] org)
Hallsbjorn Magnusson (champion-as [dot] montengarde [dot] org)

Montengarde Championship Judging Forms